Mamma mia, che bello!
Ciao Florence and Ciao Luca. One of our many stops on the way to La Spezia.
There was some neat building and history in the still standing walls.
But for Floki, the interesting thing for him were these paintings on the doors to the shops that were closed. There was even a fifth one, but the door was open so Floki was not able to get a picture. Maybe next time.
We arrived to the last stop for Floki in Italy. La Spezia is a medium-ish coastal town that has house one of the Italian navel bases. Floki quickly realized just how many stairs these coastal towns have.
Some interesting things were discovered as well. Neat fading paintings and some green rocks.
Bonous Cat and a Jackolope
Some last photos of La Spezia
While Italy came to a close, Floki relaxes with some nice street performance before heading the bed. Next time Floki's adventure to Denmark!