Mud Season has started

Winter is com...leaving Pituffik Greenland. All of the snow is being melted now and with the never ending shine of the sun, the ground is turning into this gross mud sludge that just gets everywhere.

However, the mud will not stop us from enjoying the finer things in life. The Finer Things Club met up to enjoy some hot pot. Floki ate so much he fell into a coma afterwards.

The next day, Floki set off to explore some more areas around Pituffik. This time he went to Camp Tuto. The original home for the Americans before moving to the coast.

Ran into a white hare that looked just like Floki. Maybe a distent relative?

Still some amazing views of the moutain ridge.

There is also a abandon mine? Food storage? Alien Storage? Who knows.

Right next to Camp Tuto is a big lake that is frozen over. Some of Floki's friends was telling him that during the summer this lake is almost like a raging river with strong current going down the moutain. Just have to wait till summer to verify this.

There is also a glacier here. You can see the layers of ice and snow that formed over the years.

Some evidnce that this lake is not as calm as it looks is the different ice formations it has created.

Going down the moutain a little bit you can see where the lake flows out. A "Ice Wall" formed to keep the night wal... due to the winds.

Some more interesting ice formations. With included ice spikes.

What is that in the background? Is it a giant glacier?

Yes it is! And it is huge. You can see the scale with one of Floki's friend on top of it. Yes that tiny black dot.

Of course what goes up must come down.
On the way back Floki found some locally grown... Bambo???

Floki also ran into one of the weather sations used for research. The next post will be an interesting one. Maybe he will finally see some green and maybe even a super rare... trees.